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GOP Trains Green Card Holders to Become Citizens Through New Program

RNC, El American

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The Republican National Committee (RNC) announced Thursday a new initiative to expand its outreach to immigrants. The goal is to help permanent residents, who are close to becoming U.S. citizens, prepare for the civics portion of the naturalization test.

Named the Republican Civics Initiative (RCI), the program will consist of providing civics and U.S. history classes based on the usual content of the naturalization test, which is required for citizenship.

To achieve this, the RNC Victory program will train staff and provide educational materials tailored to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) civics curriculum.

The training team will receive training from the organization’s USCIS-certified Strategic Initiatives group. The Committee will be supported by nonprofit organizations across the country, including Civics Fundamentals, which is dedicated to delivering the curriculum.

Ronna McDaniel, chair of the RNC, said these educational programs are having a positive impact on the GOP ranks.

“Our commitment to provide opportunities for all to live out the American dream is broadening our base because our ideas transcend all backgrounds,” McDaniel said. “Unlike Democrats, Republicans do not take minority communities for granted, and we will continue to work to earn each vote ahead of November.”

According to USCIS figures, more than 9.2 million permanent residents, Green Card holders, are eligible to naturalize as of January 2021. After completing the process, they will become U.S. citizens and will be able to vote in federal elections and hold public office.

The RNC already has staff and community centers in most of its communities, which will make it easier for them to provide RCI training.

The first training was held on Thursday, July 14, in the Doral, Florida community at the RNC’s Hispanic Community Center. Additional training is to be held in Texas, Georgia, Nevada, California, Pennsylvania, and other key GOP states.

Tomás Lugo, journalist and writer. Born in Venezuela and graduated in Social Communication. Has written for international media outlets. Currently living in Colombia // Tomás Lugo, periodista y articulista. Nacido en Venezuela y graduado en Comunicación Social. Ha escrito para medios internacionales. Actualmente reside en Colombia.

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