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Border Crisis: Over 90 Venezuelans Cross Rio Grande into Texas

Arrestos de migrantes en la frontera llegó a su mayor nivel en 20 años

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U.S. Border Patrol agents at the Mexico River, on the border with Texas, detained more than 90 Venezuelan migrants in just one hour. The event occurred this Wednesday and was reported by journalist Jorge Ventura, from The Daily Caller.

In the video published on Twitter, an agent can be seen helping one of the Venezuelan women with a baby. The policemen helped the migrants finish reaching land.

Similarly, the journalist detailed in a publication that one of the migrants told him that “he was happy to escape the socialism back in his home country that is ruining the lives of middle class citizens”.

Since the beginning of this year, there have been reports of a massive arrival of groups of Venezuelans and other nationalities to U.S. territory through the border between Mexico and Texas.

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