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Best Memes of the Week: Amber Heard and the #NotMe Movement

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The best memes of the week come painted in rainbow colors, as the month of gay pride begins and of course, those who do not show their total and absolute support to all the postulates and requests of the LGBT lobby will be labeled as recalcitrant homophobes. In the same way that if you do not say “always believe all women,” you automatically become a misogynist and sexist. Luckily, in the trial between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp, the jury disregarded this mantra and just looked at the facts, kicking off the #NotMe movement.

The best memes on Pride Month

It’s becoming increasingly clear that gay pride month is just another political masquerade by the left. Although it seems incredible that it has to be explained, we must remember that the LGBT lobby only defends leftist homosexuals, although most corporations and institutions don’t seem to realize that, and they jump headlong into playing the game of leftist ideology.

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Source: The Right to Bear Memes Instagram
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Surce: Twitter de Vox Oculi

The best memes on Johnny Depp’s victory

After several weeks of media show, the trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has come to an end. It has been won by the real victim: Johnny Depp. It is a hard blow for the feminist movement, which thought it was completely unpunished, thinking that everyone had bought into the idea that “all women must be believed.” No ladies, you have to believe those who speak the truth, regardless of their gender.

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Source: Instagram de Mostly Peaceful Memes

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Source: Twitter de Lu Palavecino

Other best memes of the week

Current affairs have also brought other topics to the best memes of the week section. Of course all of them have an aroma of woke ideology, which permeates everything.

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“Are you tired of living in capitalism? / Special discounts for North Korea.” Source: Twitter de Dave Rubin

Ignacio Manuel García Medina, Business Management teacher. Artist and lecturer specialized in Popular Culture for various platforms. Presenter of the program "Pop Libertario" for the Juan de Mariana Institute. Lives in the Canary Islands, Spain // Ignacio M. García Medina es profesor de Gestión de Empresas. Es miembro del Instituto Juan de Mariana y conferenciante especializado en Cultura Popular e ideas de la Libertad.

Social Networks: @ignaciomgm

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