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Best Memes of the Week: Ben Affleck in Recession

Los Mejores Memes de la Semana: Ben Affleck en recesión

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THIS time around, the Best Memes of the Week address a wide range of topics. However, the attempt by Democrats and their media to deny the recession continues to capture everyone’s attention. Climate change, monkeypox, the usual woke nonsense, and celebrities like Demi Lovato and Ben Affleck also make their way into this weekly compilation.

The best memes about the recession

Last week we learned that Wikipedia blocked the editing of its entry on the recession due to multiple attempts to change its definition. This week, the Democrats and their like-minded media have chosen to simply ignore it, thinking that it will just go away by closing their eyes and repeating that we are not in a recession. In the meantime, they blame all economic ills on the citizens, blaming them for climate change and asking them to compromise and make all kinds of sacrifices.

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“What do your adoptive parents do for a living / They’re journalists. / What’s a recession? / Two quarters of negative gross domestic product growth, of course. / Your adoptive parents are dead”. Source: Libertarian Now!


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“White House hires puppy from ‘All is well’ meme as new press secretary.” Source: The Babylon Bee.

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“Leftists during the Trump presidency: This is unbearable. / Leftists during the Biden presidency: This is fine”. Source: Shadow Patriot.


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“Watching the paper straw dissolve as a millionaire takes a day trip on their private jet.” Source: Shithead Steve.

The best memes about celebrities

This week celebrities like Will Smith, Demi Lovato, and Ben Affleck have returned to the news, but not for professional reasons. Will Smith has appeared in a video apologizing to Chris Rock for slapping him during the Oscars. Demi Lovato says she now feels feminine again and asks us to go back to using the pronouns she/her and not they/them with her—as if we had—. Finally, a photo of an exhausted Ben Affleck on vacation with Jennifer Lopez has prompted meme creators to recall the marriage contract whereby the singer would have demanded a minimum of four sexual relations a week.

We wonder who is causing more damage, JLo to Ben Affleck or Biden to the economy.

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“Jada had nothing to do with me slapping Chris Rock.” Source: Shithead Steve

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“Demi Lovato identifies as she/her again after discovering her car’s flat tire.” Source: The Babylon Bee.

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“Demi Lovato’s fan coming back from gender transition surgery. / Demi Lovato changing her pronouns back to she/her”. Source: ignaciomgm.


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Source: Geekytopia

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Source: Luis Valle

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Other of the best memes of the week

The insistent woke narrative cannot be left out of this section. The cliché topics, such as gender ideology and recent affairs with diseases, are still mocked in many memes.

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“This husband and wife are both transgenders. They conceived naturally and the husband shouldered the responsibility for the pregnancy. / Well that just sounds like straight with extra steps”—source: The Right to Bear Memes.

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“Don’t shoot! I’m retarded. / Prove it. / AOC is the Democrat’s best shot against Trump in 2024”. Source: Silent Memejority.

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“ESPN / WNBA/ Sports fans”. Source: The Funny Guy Freddy Fred.

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“COVID-19 showing Monkeypox around the workplace”. Source: Kimberly Klacik.

Ignacio Manuel García Medina, Business Management teacher. Artist and lecturer specialized in Popular Culture for various platforms. Presenter of the program "Pop Libertario" for the Juan de Mariana Institute. Lives in the Canary Islands, Spain // Ignacio M. García Medina es profesor de Gestión de Empresas. Es miembro del Instituto Juan de Mariana y conferenciante especializado en Cultura Popular e ideas de la Libertad.

Social Networks: @ignaciomgm

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