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Best Memes of the Week: The Trudeau and Biden Crack Pipes

Mejores Memes, El American

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The best memes of the week focus on two topics that have grabbed all of our attention. On the one hand, the Freedom Convoy of Canadian truckers continues to be the epicenter of the fight for freedom in the world, with a massive influx of memes in response to Justin Trudeau’s reactions. On the other hand, this week the Biden administration’s crazy new measure to fight the drug use epidemic has come in with a bang.

The best Justin Trudeau memes

It has been very amusing to see Justin Trudeau complaining that the truckers are blocking the economy, democracy and the daily lives of his countrymen, when in fact it has been precisely him with his absurd mandates that has been doing that for months now. The nervousness the truckers are causing authorities with their heroic protests must be making Justin Trudeau say things without thinking them enough.

After Whoopi Goldberg’s statements about the Holocaust, there has been a vacancy on her show for two weeks. Some meme creators have envisioned Justin Trudeau as a clear candidate to replace Whoopi Goldberg.

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Source: Being Libertarian Canada
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“Sometimes YouTube does things right…”. Source: 9gag
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“¡It´s afraid! ¡Honk it again!”. Source: 9gag
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“¿Am I out of touch? No, it´s the truckers who are racist”. Source: 9gag

The best memes of Joe Biden’s anti-drug program

According to The Washington Free Beacon, the Biden administration will fund a program that would distribute free crack pipes to drug addicts to make their use safer and to promote racial equity. The memes have not been long in coming in response to this outlandish proposal.

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“So are we allowed to take off our masks to hit our free crack pipes?”
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“Do you do crack son? Sir, I´m waiting for an Uber “. Source: The Right to Bear Memes
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“When your government funded crack finally arrives”. Source: That Southern Dude
“You get a crack pipe. And you get a crack pipe. Everybody gets a crack pipe.”
mejores memes crack pipe
Source: The Right to Bear Memes
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Source: The Right to Bear Memes
“I´m going to open up facilities in neighborhoods for people to get shots. For vaccinations. right. For vaccinations, right?”
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“Thank God for these fact checks. I almost thought the government was tyrannical for a second there “

Ignacio Manuel García Medina, Business Management teacher. Artist and lecturer specialized in Popular Culture for various platforms. Presenter of the program "Pop Libertario" for the Juan de Mariana Institute. Lives in the Canary Islands, Spain // Ignacio M. García Medina es profesor de Gestión de Empresas. Es miembro del Instituto Juan de Mariana y conferenciante especializado en Cultura Popular e ideas de la Libertad.

Social Networks: @ignaciomgm

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