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Biden Wants to Make the United States Another Banana Republic

Banana Republic - Joe Biden

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NOWADAYS, the big cities of the United States, especially those controlled by Democratic officials, have nothing to envy in terms of insecurity to a considerable number of large cities in the third world. People are already feeling insecure here, much more so in the last year and a half, as if they were living in any Latin American metropolis. There, just like here these days, robberies and thefts abound, and the murder figures are on a truly worrying increase. But they worry only us, because Biden and the Democrats, who promoted the movement to Defund the Police, don’t seem to care a single bit.

And where criminals roam, shortages are also roaming. Although there it is for different reasons than here, which is where we are interested. For months, Biden and the Democrats have not been able to solve, as they promised, a deep crisis in the supply chain, which has caused shortages, and increased prices, of most goods, including some essentials, such as baby formula and feminine hygiene products. It was not enough that the White House knew that an acute shortage of infant milk was approaching, they did nothing, the shortage got here, and they have not been able to solve the problem either. Of course, they blame whatever it is, but they cannot explain why the supply of such indispensable products has not gone back to normal.

Biden and the Democrats do not hide their interest in preventing the participation of parents in decisions that have to do with the formation and education of their children. Among other things, because Biden and the Democrats seem more interested in satisfying the demands of the teachers’ unions, obviously aligned with the extreme left wing of the ruling party, than with the interests of students and parents. And as in any banana republic autocracy, Biden and the Democrats have chosen the path of intimidation to silence voices that do not identify with them. It was exactly what they tried to do to concerned parents who spoke out at school-board meetings and were labeled by the Justice Department as domestic terrorists.

US President Joe Biden departs Fort McNair for Delaware after signing the Inflation Reduction Act, in Washington, DC, USA, 16 August 2022. (EFE)

In the best style of Cuba or Venezuela, where independent and free press are a thing of the past, Biden and the Democrats tried to establish a Ministry of Truth, which would have the purpose of controlling the information we receive, and also the one we broadcast. It is not enough for them to control most of the mainstream media, and partner with Big Tech companies to apply censorship on social networks. It backfired on them this time, but they don’t seem to have the slightest intention of giving up. And they have billionaire partners, read George Soros, who are willing to invest absurd sums to take away their media outlets from conservative voices and deliver them on a silver platter to promoters of anti-American ideas and policies.

The most recent manifestation of how banana authoritarianism is already doing its thing in the United States is the recent raid, by the FBI, on the residence of President Donald Trump in Mar-a-Lago, in the state of Florida. Remarkably, the legal move coincides with most polls showing that Trump’s popularity remains high, as Biden’s approval rating plummets, and that the two could face each other in the presidential election of 2024. In the banana and third world political culture, it is common for politicians to get rid of their opponents by prosecuting them and putting state agencies behind their tails. Could it be that Biden is taking lessons in political behavior from Daniel Ortega, in Nicaragua, and Nicolás Maduro, in Venezuela?

And speaking of state agencies, authoritarianism, and persecution, it is immensely terrifying that Biden and the Democrats, the very ones who label concerned parents as domestic terrorists, advocate a ministry of truth, and send the FBI to raid the houses of their political opponents, now will have an immense army of 87,000 tax agents.

May God protect us!

Jaime Florez
Jaime Florez

Hispanic Communications Director - Republican National Committee.

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