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Carl Nassib, From Hero to Villain in Two Days: Praised As Gay, Attacked As a Republican

Carl Nassib

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Carl Nassib, a player for the NFL’s Las Vegas Raiders, made headlines this week for publicly coming out as gay.

“I just wanted to take a quick moment to say that I’m gay. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now but finally feel comfortable enough to get it off my chest,” Carl Nassib said in a video he posted on social media on June 21.

He said he didn’t do it to draw attention to himself, but because he believes “visibility is important”. Carl Nassib did not limit himself to expressing his homosexuality, but also explained that he was donating $100,000 to the Trevor Project, a non-profit organization that tries to prevent suicides among LGBTQ youth.

In the midst of LGBT Pride month, his announcement has been celebrated and publicized by the entire media and political apparatus, even being congratulated by President Joe Biden himself on Twitter.

Many media outlets have called his announcement “courageous”, “responsible” and “historic”, as the first active NFL player to acknowledge his sexual status.

However, just two days after Carl Nassib’s coming out, many of those who went so far as to call him a hero are now trying to sweep it under the rug. The reason? Many reports point to Carl Nassib being a Republican and a fervent supporter of Donald Trump.

When the fact-checking portal Snopes – known for its leftist bias – acknowledged that it was true that Carl Nassib was registered as a Republican voter, the entire media campaign of praise for Carl Nassib turned to silence at best, or outright contempt on many occasions.

carl nassib
Reactions on Twitter. (Screenshot)

A few days ago the progressive press dictated that Carl Nassib’s announcement was a historic event to be admired, a milestone of courage in the backward world of men’s sports, as well as a lesson and example for the whole world to follow. Now, however, the narrative is – as Vox, an openly left-leaning political opinion website, points out – that “hopefully the day will come when players like Carl Nassib will not have to come out of the closet.”

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Carl Nassib is no longer useful to feed the leftist narrative

The leftist reaction in this case seems to be yet another demonstration that it is the who that matters, not the what. They praise the coming out of the closet of a homosexual athlete if they believe it is instrumental to the left, from the moment it is known that this person is a Republican, his sexual condition ceases to matter.

This behavior is common in all areas that the left has tried to monopolize and monopolize. Issues such as race, gender, or sexual orientation of a person or collective are considered mere political tools, as long as the left has the ability to instrumentalize those people. If the people they claim to defend do not show their adherence to the progressive and leftist cause, they become ignored, or even attacked.

Carl Nassib’s case joins those of women attacked by the feminist left for not being Democrats, blacks attacked by the anti-racist left for being Republicans, or transgender people vilified by the inclusive left for being Republicans.

Gay Pride month celebrations in June are increasingly seen by more people as a leftist political campaign, making the woke hypocrisy clear, and the media and political manipulation of these supposedly oppressed groups in favor of the Democratic Party becomes, too, more evident.

Ignacio Manuel García Medina, Business Management teacher. Artist and lecturer specialized in Popular Culture for various platforms. Presenter of the program "Pop Libertario" for the Juan de Mariana Institute. Lives in the Canary Islands, Spain // Ignacio M. García Medina es profesor de Gestión de Empresas. Es miembro del Instituto Juan de Mariana y conferenciante especializado en Cultura Popular e ideas de la Libertad.

Social Networks: @ignaciomgm

3 thoughts on “Carl Nassib, From Hero to Villain in Two Days: Praised As Gay, Attacked As a Republican”

  1. No Ignacio, you’re ignorant and vile for ur right wing propaganda of smearing the left backlash as using Carl and he “no longer feed left narrative” for his political choice. The left condemnation is logical and rational. It’s simple, bc on Republican Party 2020 resolution page 11 clearly written “… traditional marriage between a man and a woman is foundation of free society…” . Republican agenda is exactly anti-gay rights. Gay republicans is equivalent to Jewish who support Nazi. Make sense to be no tolerance for a contradictory betrayer that support a cause that threaten their own identity. Hope u be able to comprehend that simple logic. Carl is the one to perform hypocrisy first, when he came out and saying he’s devoted to a cause for sexual minority rights, but then support a party that wanted to take his rights away and don’t recognise him as human being for his sexuality. The left is not wrong in condemn him. Ignacio is an evil minded rightist trying to portrait this “left condemn” in the narrative of “changing attitude due to a person political inclination” when it’s in fact condemn the hypocrisy of Carl claiming to be gay activist but support anti gay party. The left always condemn a racial minority who support white supremacist, a woman who supports misogynist, and a Sexual Minority who support anti-sexual minority party. No hypocrisy in left but only hypocrisy & contradiction in gay republicans/conservatives. You can be an openly gay OR a Republicans, not both. Just like you can’t be both atheist and also christian. We can see how an evil biased republican like Ignacio wrap things up in a narrow view to let ppl see it in a way that left is intolerant for no reason when they didn’t bring up the fact that Republican agenda/goal is to taken marriage rights from gays, they don’t want to discuss about WHY the left is mad for Carl to be gay republican. Ignacio want ppl to ONLY SEE the left is mad and not the reason behind so that he can tell his own narrative. Ignacio is the one only using Carl’s story and bring up his name when it feed to his RIGHT narrative. Rightist never accept gay republicans sexuality or human rights but only cheer for them when they can be use to favour their attack on the left.

  2. Wow. I can hardly believe a journalist online is actually being a journalist… I mean no disrespect- but in this day and age it is truly amazing to see someone who stands up for the truth and realizes how politicized the left has become. Coming from someone who holds a lot of progressive beliefs, it’s incredible to me that the entire rest of the MSM doesn’t condemn such ridiculous acts, perpetuated by the very people who claim to be progressive. The racism and ignorance touted by the very people who claim to be fighting those very things has gone from dramatic irony to disbelief. Thanks, Ignacio!

  3. Probably because he is against his best interest. The man is gay and supported a guy who rolled back so many policies that benefited the LGBTQ+ community. It is hard to praise him when he doesn’t even have the communities best interest in mind.

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