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Chasing Elon Musk

elon musk

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Ever since Elon Musk acquired Twitter and began uncovering political wheeling and dealing on the social network, the entrepreneur became a point-blank target for the left.

The persecution Elon Musk has been subjected to by the left in recent months has not only been figurative, but also literal, as news broke last week that the car carrying his son from the airport was assaulted by an activist after the real-time location of his private jet was posted on Twitter.

After Twitter updated its terms of service to prevent such postings to preserve the safety of its owner’s family, and other users, the left – and some who are functional for its interests – have jumped in unison against Elon Musk, throwing these restrictions in his face reminding him his words of being a “free speech maximalist.”

Now, the leftists are throwing their hands up over the week-long banning of the accounts of several journalists who had been covering every single aspect of Elon Musk and his family’s life, even the most private and sensitive.

The hypocrisy demonstrated by the leftist media is enormous. For years they kept silent in the face of the obvious censorship against their political rivals —or even defended it—, while now they complain bitterly and set themselves up as champions of freedom of speech and press.

Moreover, it is not necessary to compare their current attitude with that of before the purchase of Twitter to see their hypocrisy and political opportunism. Just look at the fact that, over the last few months, the progressive media machine has covered all kinds of news concerning Elon Musk, almost making a big story out of every time he allegedly gave an employee a dirty look in a meeting, or if in the Twitter HQ restrooms someone claimed that Elon emitted a longer and louder flatulence than acceptable.

However, the silence of the press in the face of the “Twitter Files” is deafening. They tell us everything Elon Musk has done day after day, but you can hear a pin drop when mentioning the immense scandal of the publication of these internal documents that would demonstrate the possible conspiracy between federal agencies and Twitter to favor the Democratic Party.

The Democrat media seems to cling to the old adage “what you don’t talk about, doesn’t exist,” and it seems to still work for them.

Ignacio Manuel García Medina, Business Management teacher. Artist and lecturer specialized in Popular Culture for various platforms. Presenter of the program "Pop Libertario" for the Juan de Mariana Institute. Lives in the Canary Islands, Spain // Ignacio M. García Medina es profesor de Gestión de Empresas. Es miembro del Instituto Juan de Mariana y conferenciante especializado en Cultura Popular e ideas de la Libertad.

Social Networks: @ignaciomgm
