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‘The Communists Have Worked Like Ants in Chile’: Patricia Bravo

«Los comunistas han trabajado como hormigas en Chile»: Patricia Bravo

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Chile appears to de descending into a twilight zone. Patricia Bravo, a Chilean journalist and first-hand witness of her country’s steady systemic decay, summarizes it this way: “The communists have worked like ants in Chile.” The graduate from Andrés Bello National University insists that communism’s obsession with retaking political power in her country goes back to 1973.

This was when the domestic terrorism and international public relations campaign began to bring back socialism to Chile, following the ousting of Salvador Allende, a Marxist politician who reached the presidency democratically but did not rule in a constitutional and democratic fashion.

Once considered a model of stable republican governance with ample plurality and socio-economic gains unmatched by any of its Latin American neighbors, Chile has undergone a massive destabilization campaign shepherded by the international left, with collaboration from outside actors, since October 2019.

The detonating increase in public transportation fees set off a horde of massive, violent protests and riots which had nothing to do with fare hikes but with bringing about the fall of the existing order.

Chileans voted on Sunday, May 16 for the establishment of a 155-member assembly to draft a new Constitution as well as 2,613 other political slots consisting of governors, mayors, and city and/or regional councils (2,768 public officeholders in total). The left scored a crushing victory, winning an ample majority. The main loser, second to Chilean democracy itself, was the coalition formed by President Sebastián Piñera, dubbed by the left and corporate media as “right-wing.” In our conversation with Bravo, the question was raised about the role that Piñera had in this republican debacle. The experienced journalist was quick to point out that the current Chilean government bears the brunt of the blame.

By giving in to a de facto socialist terrorist uprising during 2019 and 2020, where qualms over “inequality” became an unfounded raison d’etre for a call for systemic transformation, a “new” constitution will be formulated which promises to dismantle the existing system. This new constitutional assembly will be empowered to, if unhindered, usher in a dark communist chapter for Chile.

Bravo attests, as an eyewitness, how throughout the 1980s a generation of future revolutionaries were indoctrinated in Chilean schools, particularly at the university level. The left never abandoned its quest for political control. Its domination of the press and a host of front organizations that foster grievance campaigns impressed upon the Piñera Administration the need to considering “changing” the constitution, which would be equivalent to a comprehensive overhaul of the country.

The interviewee contends that the current president has proved himself most negligent in bringing about this deep-rooted threat to Chile. This is another segment of El American’s short interview series.    

Julio M Shiling, political scientist, writer, director of Patria de Martí and The Cuban American Voice, lecturer and media commentator. A native of Cuba, he currently lives in the United States. Twitter: @JulioMShiling // Julio es politólogo, escritor, director de Patria de Martí y The Cuban American Voice. Conferenciante y comentarista en los medios. Natural de Cuba, vive actualmente en EE UU.

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