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Disagreements between Trump and his lawyers over “voter fraud”: WSJ

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At least two of President Donald Trump’s lawyers have stopped claiming “electoral fraud” but are continuing the judicial fight for irregularities in the elections. A Wall Street Journal report revealed that two of the president’s lawyers assured judges that they do not believe that the fraud “is true.”

The U.S. newspaper noted that, when questioned by the judges handling the cases, two of Trump’s lawyers departed from suggestions that the election was stolen or fraudulent. However, dozens of lawyers supporting the president are still sustaining the allegations.

“(…) lawyers representing Mr. Trump or other Republicans have said under oath that they have no evidence of fraud,” the newspaper said.

This Friday, the WSJ also stated that “Trump abandoned a legal challenge in Arizona.”

The president’s campaign, along with the state and national Republican Party, filed a lawsuit last week in Arizona alleging that some in-person votes cast in Maricopa County were improperly rejected.

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Lawsuits continue with dozens of lawyers supporting Donald Trump’s “election fraud” claim (Wikimedia)

However, during the hearing, attorney Kory Langhofer made it clear that he was not alleging any fraud but rather that the allegation was based on poll workers sending in ballots with errors that voters did not have the opportunity to correct.

“The number of votes in question was less than 200, and Langhofer said at the close of the hearing that they would not ask election officials to recount those ballots if they did not have the capacity to affect the outcome of the race,” the WSJ said.

“We are not alleging fraud in this lawsuit. We are not alleging that anyone stole the election,” said Kory Langhofer at the beginning of the hearing.

Also, in a lawsuit in Pennsylvania over hundreds of disputed votes in Montgomery County, a state judge repeatedly asked attorney Jonathan Goldstein if he alleged fraud. Goldstein responded by saying “everyone is coming to this in good faith”; and then he pointed out, “not to my knowledge,” in reference to the fraud on the 592 disputed ballots.

Although Biden has not yet been officially declared the president-elect, Trump announced the legal dispute based on irregularities in controversial states, and in some of them, alleged fraud.

Experts in electoral legislation have assured that many of the legal claims consist of irregularities or unintentional errors from voters or administrators. However, they assure that the president is in his right to demand recounting of votes or revision, where he deems it necessary.

It should be remembered that on November 10, the U.S. Attorney General’s Office endorsed investigating any evidence of “electoral fraud.” William Barr, Attorney General of the US said that “since the voting in the current election is over, I authorize you to investigate significant allegations of irregularities in the voting and counting process, prior to the certification of the elections in your jurisdictions.”

Senators support Trump’s right to challenge

Mitch McConnell, Republican Party Senator and Speaker of the Senate, supported the President in his attempt to reverse the outcome of the presidential election. McConnell, who was also re-elected to represent the state of Kentucky, said Mr. Trump has the right to use the legal avenues necessary to secure the election result.

“President Trump has 100 percent right to investigate allegations of wrongdoing and weigh his legal options,” McConnell said.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio, for his part, also supported Trump’s right to go to court: “Democrats have competed and gone to court after many elections. Like any candidate, President Trump has a legal right to request recounts, challenge illegal votes and, if he has clear evidence of widespread misconduct or irregularities, take them to court,” he said on his Twitter account.

“The media can project a winner of the election, but they cannot decide if the claims of non-compliance with election laws and irregularities are true. This is decided by the courts and on the basis of clear evidence and the law,” he said.

Sabrina Martín Rondon is a Venezuelan journalist. Her source is politics and economics. She is a specialist in corporate communications and is committed to the task of dismantling the supposed benefits of socialism // Sabrina Martín Rondon es periodista venezolana. Su fuente es la política y economía. Es especialista en comunicaciones corporativas y se ha comprometido con la tarea de desmontar las supuestas bondades del socialismo

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