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Idiocy of the Week: Double Standards of Democratic Blue Checks

La idiotez de la semana: doble rasero de bluechecks demócratas

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Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert has blown the lid off the usual Democratic double standard with a genius tweet. The angry responses to her tweet have exposed the idiocy and hypocrisy of dozens of Democratic blue checks, including celebrities, journalists, and leftist politicians.

A few days ago, Joe Biden once again had a slip-up, a mental one, although he has physical ones too. In a speech he said, “Let me start off with two words; Made in America.”

Of course, no one on the left said anything about it, since there is an absolute law of silence surrounding the cognitive state of the president of the most powerful country in the world.

Evidently it is not a responsible silence towards the importance of the office he holds, but a complicit partisan silence. You only have to remember what they did when Trump mistakenly posted “covfefe” on his defunct Twitter account. They were nearly saying that that tweet was positive proof that he was out of his mind and had to be removed from office so he wouldn’t have access to the red button briefcase.

Democratic Blue checks making fools of themselves

Well, in a masterful move, Lauren Boebert posted a tweet saying, “Two words, Let’s Go Brandon!” Instantly all the leftists jumped out to laugh at Lauren and to call her an idiot.

“Two Words: Let’s Go Brandon!”

Like typical leftists, they fell into the trap. After all, someone on the left is like a mouse, never wondering why the cheese in the trap is free, so it’s no wonder they once again fell for it.

Thinking they were so smart for catching a Republican making a mistake, they said things like “she can’t count,” “three words: you’re an idiot,” or ” Lauren Boebert just completely humiliated herself…That’s THREE words, she’s such a friggin’ moron!”

The self-humiliation of these characters is absolute, as there are only two explanations for their responses, and both are terrible. One is that they are so stupid and transpire so much partisan hatred as to have forgotten what Biden had said a few days earlier, and the other is that they live in an echo chamber in their fantasy world and wouldn’t even have noticed that Biden screwed up his speech.

Screenshot of some of the responses from the bluechecks

The self-humiliation of these people is absolute, as there are only two explanations for their responses, and both are terrible. One is that they are so stupid and transpire so much partisan hatred as to have forgotten what Biden had said a few days earlier, and the other is that they live in an echo chamber in their fantasy world and wouldn’t even have noticed that Biden screwed his speech up.

In both cases, it is lacerating that they have the privilege of being Twitter blue checks and think they are the scourge of “fake news” and champions of truth, when what they really are is a joke.

Everything they could have said to Biden for his mistake, they said to Lauren Boebert. Their cowardly and complicit silence in the face of Biden’s blunders is very significant and serious, but their belligerence and arrogance towards their opponents is even worse.

I don’t know who they are fooling with their attitude. Let’s imagine for a moment that Lauren Boebert’s tweet saying “Let’s Go Brandon” had been real and she was wrong on the count. How can you have the cognitive dissonance to criticize her disrespect for the president for using that expression while disrespecting her in an even more serious way?

To top it all off, they are the ones who set themselves up as defenders of minorities and feminists. Don’t they realize that their self-righteousness completely clouds their judgment? The answer seems clear, since they do not notice anything. Nothing at all.

Ignacio Manuel García Medina, Business Management teacher. Artist and lecturer specialized in Popular Culture for various platforms. Presenter of the program "Pop Libertario" for the Juan de Mariana Institute. Lives in the Canary Islands, Spain // Ignacio M. García Medina es profesor de Gestión de Empresas. Es miembro del Instituto Juan de Mariana y conferenciante especializado en Cultura Popular e ideas de la Libertad.

Social Networks: @ignaciomgm

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