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Here’s What to Know This Thursday!

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In an explosive resolution, the U.S. Senate unanimously declared Russian President Vladimir Putin a war criminal. The resolution was introduced by Sen. Graham (R-SC), who is also calling for international organizations to investigate potential war crimes committed by the Russian army. 

The Russian army, El American reported yesterday, has brutally killed over 726 Ukrainian civilians, including 104 women and 52 children. This is the sad truth that Ukrainians currently face. The question now remains, what should the West do? Stay idle as Russia accomplishes its imperialist goals or become involved in what would be considered a nuclear world war 3. 

In unrelated but equally sad news, there is a tsunami advisory issued in Japan after a 7.3 earthquake hit Fukushima.

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Luis Cornelio is the English Editor-in-Chief at El American. After graduating cum laude from the Colin Powell School for Civil and Global Leadership, he went on to intern at the Heritage Foundation. Most recently he served on President Donald Trump's re-election campaign, writing research articles on topics including law and order, immigration, and the Supreme Court. He also currently works as the Director of Communications for Got Freedom and researcher for the election integrity watchdog Amistad Project. A Dominican-American, he was granted U.S. citizenship in February 2020.
// Luis Cornelio es el English Editor-in-Chief de El American. Después de graduarse cum laude de la Escuela Colin Powell de Liderazgo Civil y Global, pasó a ser pasante de la Heritage Foundation. Recientemente, participó en la campaña de reelección del presidente Donald Trump escribiendo artículos de investigación sobre temas como la ley y el orden, la inmigración y la Corte Suprema. Actualmente trabaja como director de Comunicaciones de Got Freedom y es investigador para el grupo de integridad electoral, el Amistad Project. Un dominicano-americano, se le otorgó la ciudadanía americana en febrero de 2020.

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