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Idiocy of the Week: Fancy Feminist Twerking Festival

La Idiotez de la Semana: el lujoso Festival de Perreo Feminista, El American

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This time, El American’s Idiocy of the Week is coupled with frantic reggaeton rhythms and the no less frantic and pounding beat of compulsive spending of public money. A Feminist Twerking Festival in Spain has counted with a budget of €105.000 coming from the Youth Direction of the Canary Islands Government, in the hands of several radical left-wing parties.

Although it may seem a contradiction in terms, those responsible for the Feminist Twerking Festival have tried to justify the hundred thousand Euros of budget using all kinds of woke jargon, when perhaps the simplest explanation would be to recognize that to get that amount of public money they have to shoehorn the word “feminist” in any idea they have, even if it leads to a major oxymoron.

According to the newspaper La Provincia, the Department of Social Rights explained that the Festival intended to “resignify” urban music, “which is more than what society knows of it, lyrics with sexist content, which objectify or attack the dignity of women.”

feminist twerking
Spanish Conservative MP criticizes Feminist Twerking Festival. (Twitter)

It seems that those feminists who manage this budget also manage an arcane knowledge about the true meaning of reggaeton that the rest of us mortals and newcomers to this musical style may be missing. Let’s listen to them.

These reggaeton workshops, according to them, aim to “collectively build” a different way of understanding dance, of course, from a feminist perspective and “with identity pride as a starting point”… whatever that means. Let’s see if they clarify it later.

“It’s about promoting horizontal relationships,” they say. Are they talking about what I’m imagining? They add that it encourages “equal participation, and respect for the rhythms and capabilities of each person.” Are they really not talking about that?

“The idea is to redefine the movements associated with reggaeton and understand them as a place from which to get to know ourselves personally and express ourselves, to create a safe and trusting space in which we can express ourselves freely without sexualizing and judging looks, and to use dance as a tool for empowerment, expression, relief and fun,” they say.

Well, no, if this is without sexualizing looks, they were not talking about that, they were simply piling up woke talk to confuse us and make us forget the 105,000 euros spent from our taxes. Now, what I wonder is… how does one go about looking at people twerking in a non-sexualizing way? Imagining that they are having a rather coordinated epileptic seizure, perhaps?  

Only 200 people attend the Feminist Twerking Festival

The Feminist Twerking Workshop was attended by 30 participants, while the final concert of the festival was attended by 200 spectators. We do not know if they included technicians, artists, workshop participants, production and waste management personnel, who, according to the organizers, presented their certificate of sexual offenses.

To justify this nonsense that, although free, cost the rest of us about 500 euros per attendee, those responsible for its organization clarified some very important points, namely that participants were offered talks on reggaeton and a “healthy breakfast with vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free and other options” as well as information about the “purple points” in leisure spaces. These are designated areas where a sign and a color protect women from gender violence. Something like gun-free zones in universities and schools.

They just failed to say that it was a nice day, with a nice breeze, and that it was full of nice and friendly people, and that they always greet with a smile. They could also have included that they saw someone helping a little old lady cross the street, or some other cute-sounding filler so they could keep spending public money hand over fist.

Ignacio Manuel García Medina, Business Management teacher. Artist and lecturer specialized in Popular Culture for various platforms. Presenter of the program "Pop Libertario" for the Juan de Mariana Institute. Lives in the Canary Islands, Spain // Ignacio M. García Medina es profesor de Gestión de Empresas. Es miembro del Instituto Juan de Mariana y conferenciante especializado en Cultura Popular e ideas de la Libertad.

Social Networks: @ignaciomgm
