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International Marxism Crashed Against Chile’s Democratic Disposition

El marxismo internacional se estrelló contra el talante democrático chileno, EFE

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The international campaign in favor of the “Approval” was enormous and in the same proportion was the beating received. All the polls anticipated it, what they did not predict was the monumental triumph of the “Rejection” by a difference of more than 20 points in the plebiscite of September 4th.

Why did Chileans vote the way they did? Simple, the constitutional project was so dissolving, ideologized, and anti-Chilean, that it was criticized by socialist sectors and rejected even by those who a few months ago voted for Boric.

The Sao Paulo Forum, the Puebla Group, and the Progressive International had bet everything in favor of the “Approval” until a few hours before the plebiscite. Still, they crashed against the democratic disposition of Chileans, who were not willing to validate a Magna Carta loaded with cultural Marxism, that is to say, ecologism, indigenism, gender ideology, abortion, and euthanasia.

The powerful American senator Bernie Sanders, the founder of the Progressive International, had written on September 3, “I am proud to support the new Constitution, to replace the previous one, which is anti-democratic.”

The executive secretary of the Sao Paulo Forum, Monica Valente, wrote the same day, “we accompany the trajectory of the Chilean people from the struggle in the streets to a new ecological, feminist, plurinational Constitution that recovers the role of the State for social justice!”.

The interference was so intense and shameless throughout August that former Colombian President Andrés Pastrana wrote: “I wish to express my most absolute rejection of the undue interference of the Sao Paulo Forum, the Puebla Group, and the Progressive International in favor of the ‘Approval’ of the Chilean constitutional proposal.”

But even after the crushing defeat, President Boric seemed unwilling to respect the popular will. On the same Sunday of the plebiscite, he summoned Chile’s political forces for the following day to discuss “the continuity of the constituent process.”

This is reminiscent of Hugo Chávez, who, when the proposal for an indefinite term was rejected, continued to insist until he achieved his goal of perpetuating himself in power. Therefore, it is now up to the Chilean democratic sectors to stop drafting a new Constitution. Sunday’s results have made it clear, in a resounding way, that citizens have other priorities: economic recovery, well-paid employment, security, and political stability, which have deteriorated during the few months of Boric’s government.

The resounding triumph of the “Rejection” is a good step toward that recovery since analysts foresee an increase in the value of the Chilean peso and a rise in stock prices.

Nitu Pérez Osuna es una reconocida periodista venezolana en el exilio. Por muchos años fue una de las caras principales del canal de noticias más importante de su país, hasta que fue vendido a aliados de la dictadura chavista, por lo que fue despedida. Nitu Pérez Osuna es perseguida política de Nicolás Maduro y se ha dedicado a denunciar, no solo a la dictadura de su país, sino a los regímenes socialistas de todo el continente.

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