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Can Joe Manchin and Blue Dog Democrats Stop Biden’s Dangerous Agenda?

Joe Manchin, El American

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Barack Obama’s Democratic Party has two seminal problems that impede their ability to make America socialist. President Joe Biden’s visibly depleting cognition capabilities are frustrating their scheme of using the cosmetically choreographed “moderate” disguise that the veteran politician has brought into this administration. First, serving to the 44th president as his VP, and now covering for, who for some is the de facto head of the Executive branch, Kamala Harris. The second serious problem is Senator Joseph Manchin III, and a small group of centrist Democrats.

This functionally compact, but powerful, coalition of authentic moderates within the party founded by Andrew Jackson, are upending the socialist scheme of federalizing mail-in, fraud-baiting voting, adding states and Justices to bulk up the control of the Senate and the Supreme Court, defending the time-honored filibuster rule, and challenging the Marxist indoctrination of key institutions within the American body politic. Headed by the West Virginia senior senator, these Blue Dogs (conservative Democrats) embrace much of the worldview sustained by the party founded by Abraham Lincoln.

West Virginia, for practical purposes, is as red state as one can get. Manchin can certainly do the math. The fact is that he is a state rarity: an elected official being registered as a Democrat, undoubtedly, helps explain his staunch support for the Second Amendment, the filibuster principle, integrity-focused election laws, stricter immigration laws, conservative justices and judges, energy independence, law enforcement, and the life of the unborn.

Second in line in this wall of blue dignity to preserve the Republic’s composition, is Arizona senator, Kyrsten Sinema. The senior elected official in the upper house from Arizona, has been a thorn in the side of Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer. Originating from Arizona’s Green Party, Sinema is fully conscious that the Grand Canyon State is populated more by Republicans then from those from her party. On countless occasions, her Blue Dog credentials has been earned by her willingness to think and vote outside the ideological box.

Other senator’s worth mentioning within this block of Democratic moderates are Mark Kelly from Arizona, Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire, Jon Tester from Montana, Maine’s Angus King, and Chris Coons and Tom Carper, both from Delaware. It merits noting that, given the far-left tendencies of today’s Obama crafted party with the current Democratic political machine being an ideological fusion of Fabian socialism and cultural Marxism, particularly the arteries of Critical Race Theory and Gender Ideology, anyone right of a vehement social democratic (not socialist) is a moderate/centrist.

Can Manchin and this small cadre of Blue Dogs hold out until a Republican mid-term election makeover of Congress takes place? Judging from the slow path forward of the regressive, anti-progress left, the West Virginia senator and company have defended the fort well against the elected socialist revolutionaries.

The Biden-Harris duo is not really having concrete success in converting into law their party’s socialist agenda. Yes, there have been a stampede of executive directives attempting to inoculate the toxin of socialism through the bureaucratic mass, that which The New York Times once admittedly referred to as the “deep state.” But executive orders and other fiat actions can be reversed by another president or defunded by Congress. Once the Republican tsunami takes place in 2022, the bravery of Manchin and the Blue Dogs must be remembered and honored.  

Julio M Shiling, political scientist, writer, director of Patria de Martí and The Cuban American Voice, lecturer and media commentator. A native of Cuba, he currently lives in the United States. Twitter: @JulioMShiling // Julio es politólogo, escritor, director de Patria de Martí y The Cuban American Voice. Conferenciante y comentarista en los medios. Natural de Cuba, vive actualmente en EE UU.

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