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Las Movies: Zack Snyder’s Justice League Takes on Woke Culture

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Las Movies continues, with its host, Ignacio M. García Medina, analyzing the world of culture and entertainment: movies, video games, among others. In this second episode, García Medina talks about the Justice League movie and how Joss Whedon’s and Zack Snyder’s versions differ.

Zack Snyder began shooting Justice League, Ignacio explains, with instructions to make it less dark than its predecessors, but even after giving in on this aspect, Warner Bros. executives felt that the film should be more like Marvel’s films: lighter in tone and loaded with humor.

In the middle of shooting Justice League, Warner Bros. hired Joss Whedon —one of the star directors of the competition, Marvel— to help Zack Snyder to lighten it up. In that sense, Ignacio comments that this was due to the fact that many people who push woke culture and cancellation culture have expressed feeling offended with previous Snyder films.

However, due to a major family inconvenience for Snyder, he found it necessary to step down from directing Justice League. This allowed Whedon to adapt what was already done to his style. The result, Ignacio comments, is a politically correct version.

Fans did not agree with the released version, so Warner Bros. opted to assign a budget to Snyder to finish shooting his version.

Finally, and after months of waiting since its official announcement, in March of this year it premiered on HBO Max in the United States. It is the long-awaited Snyder Cut, the original vision of its director, which receives the title Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

“For the left, anyone who is a little bit to the right of Joseph Stalin is far right. So, they considered Snyder in 300, when he shows the Battle of Thermopylae, between the Middle East and the West, to be offensive and fascist,” our host points out.

Some differences in the versions of Justice League

Similarly, he shows us the main differences between the two versions. He catalogs Whedon’s version as “The Social Justice League,” while in Snyder’s version there is nothing of the sort.

“In Whedon’s version Flash is a squatter. He also uses his superspeed to shoplift and live a dissolute life. However, in Snyder’s version he is not a squatter, he also helps those who are being robbed or looted and earns a living by working honestly,” Ignacio told us.

He also stressed the importance of analyzing and making known what is behind the type of films Whedon promotes, in which progressive and leftist ideas are promoted. In the end, he mentions, the idea of the culture of cancellation remains in the citizens.

“The fact that this narrative keeps repeating itself keeps that progressive narrative in our heads. We didn’t notice it, but now we have had the opportunity to see it. With Snyder’s version, justice has been done and it stopped being the Social Justice League, which was Whydom’s version.”

He also recalled that Zack Snyder has repeatedly shown his interest in the work of philosopher Ayn Rand and in particular in her novel The Fountainhead. This generated great enthusiasm among Rand’s followers, since Snyder’s aim is to highlight the values of people like Rand.

For García Medina, just as Ayn Rand is considered by many as a muse of the new right, Zack Snyder has become a kind of spearhead against the woke culture.

Don’t miss this second chapter and we leave you with this article, where Ignacio also delves into Snyder’s Justice League and, as in Las Movies, details one by one the differences between this version and Whedon’s.

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