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Left, Right, Left

Izquierda, derecha, izquierda, EFE

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By Luis Beltran Guerra G.*

It is known that in the Constituent Assembly of France, it was asked how much could be granted to the King? The Revolution had triumphed, sweeping away the monarchy. “Long live the Republic”, thunderous shouts. The church against the wall. The Nation and human rights, on stage.

The combination of the interests at stake led those who advocated the continuity of the monarchy to be placed in the Assembly on the right side and those fervent for the revolution on the opposite. The “British Broadcasting Corporation” highlights that by some chairs arise from this encounter “the left and the right”, the two main political tendencies that have tried to govern us. Therefore, humanity does not stop having its strangeness.

The 21st century, that of the shocks, which already began in the 20th century, reveals, however, that the appreciation of the BBC has not been so absolute, since the two tendencies have not followed definitive paths, rather pinched by those who have assumed the role of leading them, so it cannot be denied that today they move in an environment shaken by lashes of confusion and even anarchy. The ease with politics, perhaps, has already been present in Aristotle when conceiving the government of a single person as the monarchy, that of a few, the aristocracy and the republic, that of many. But more in the degradations of each one of them, “the tyranny, the aristocracy and the demagogy”. He makes references, of course, to “the corruption of democracy.” It seems incredible, but in all these manifestations they have had an influence on what happened long after the Aristotelian era, the duality between “left and right”, which engendered France in 1789.

It is pertinent, therefore, to observe that, at least, two appreciations linked to this duality, rather than facilitating, complicate the definitions, that of Donald Trump, with regard to the US and the other a little further, in Colombia, with Gustavo Petro. The first, President until the beginning of 2021 and the second at the Head of State since August 7, 2022. Donald, who was replaced by Democrat Joe Biden, has, in effect, just declared, from his luxurious mansion in Mar-a -Lago, who will compete again for the presidency in 2024 “to overthrow the left,” which he describes as “extremely harmful to his country and the rest of the world.”

The recently elected Prime Minister of Colombia has just stated that “rejecting liberal democracy leads to dictatorship”, pointing out that this has happened in Latin America. It is admitted that Petro also makes reference to democracy typified by the fact that the right to govern is obtained through success in regular and competitive elections, held on the basis of political equality (“one person, one vote”). Likewise, that “democratic regimes tend to combine a limited government with a “democratic” commitment, which demands popular participation and elections. This is how to ask yourself, Is it Petro Petro? Well, if there is someone with a place earned in “la sinistra” it is precisely the Chief Magistrate in Bogotá. Not so in the case of Trump, with respect to who is rather required to ratify “Trump is Trump”.

The media, full of observations, the more read the more ironic they are, boosted by the lack of credibility in politicians, active subjects between the “right and the left”. Pablo Ximénez, from El País, refers to the fact that “politicians walk so fast, without realizing that they have lost their footing. They are like coyotes running after the roadrunner until they go off the cliff. But the particular thing is that they continue to run in the air and only fall into the void when they stop and look down. Like these warnings, a few others abound.

Asking today, as is intended, if “the right and the left” are antagonistic is to plunge into the world of difficulties. It is even noted that today what defines one in one country may disagree with that of another. Even in the past, the bourgeoisie was revolutionary and then conservative, as was liberalism, progressive, that is, left. A mixture, like coming and going. A bit like it depends on the “air that blows”.

The academic Giovanni Sartori points out that the words “right and left” acquired relative validity with the so-called Student Revolution of 1968. Efficacy, he admits, has been cyclical, as revealed by the fact that “everything that suited Soviet policy was “left” and in the capitalist world “right”. They continue in mass politics. They are like a compass. They guide us. And with an identification that anchors us in something. The uncertainty, however, cannot be denied, which has led to depths, such as, for example, to wonder what is the real left of the left? Valid, also, with regard to “the right.” For Sartori, the left is altruism, doing good for others, while the right is egoism, attending to one”s own good. However, appreciations, unfortunately, pass, as the “Master” notes, due to the unforeseen consequences of our actions, capable of overflowing intentions, inducing it to be argued that selfishness can also generate results of collective interest. Sartori quotes the “Market Theory”, that of the “invisible hand” of Adam Smith.

Louis XVI was guillotined, as well as Marie Antoinette, his emblematic wife. They did not experience the vicissitudes of “the left and the right.” We do not know if they will have presaged them.

It’s hard to imagine. But who removes that they are in the other world expressing themselves every time they meet “Left, right, left.”

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