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Socialist Students Push for ASU to ‘Withdraw’ Rittenhouse from Institution


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Despite the fact that Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty by the jury, socialist-leaning groups are calling on Arizona State University to take action against the young man while labeling him a “racist murderer.”

These are organizations such as the Students for Socialism ASU, Students for Justice in Palestine, the Multicultural Solidarity Coalition and the Chicanx Student Movement of Aztlan.

“Even with a not-guilty verdict from a flawed ‘justice’ system, Kyle Rittenhouse is still guilty to his victims and the families of those victims,” the letter states.

“Join us to demand from ASU that these demands be met to protect students from a violent, bloodthirsty murderer,” the note adds.

It is unknown whether ASU will heed the left-leaning students’ requests or allow Rittenhouse to begin its virtual mode enrollment process for the nursing degree program. The university says it stands out for its policy of non-exclusion: “We are not measured by whom we exclude, but by whom we include and how they succeed,” the university says on its website.

Has Rittenhouse no right to study?

The groups also demand that the university administration “reaffirm support for the multicultural center on campus as a space free of White Supremacy” and used the case to demand that funds be redirected from the University Police Department to the multicultural center.

A spokesperson for Arizona State University Students for Socialism told Fox News that the ultimate goal of the demands is to let the university administration know that they do not feel safe knowing that a “mass shooter” is admitted to the school.

The question now is whether Kyle Rittenhouse, who was found not guilty of all charges against him, will have his right to study taken away by left-wing activist groups.

Sabrina Martín Rondon is a Venezuelan journalist. Her source is politics and economics. She is a specialist in corporate communications and is committed to the task of dismantling the supposed benefits of socialism // Sabrina Martín Rondon es periodista venezolana. Su fuente es la política y economía. Es especialista en comunicaciones corporativas y se ha comprometido con la tarea de desmontar las supuestas bondades del socialismo

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