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Netflix’s ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ Confirms the Left Took Over Horror Films

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Netflix has just released a new film in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise—the ninth since the saga began in 1973 with the original written and directed by Tobe Hooper. In this version—which is much inferior to the first and some of its predecessors—Netflix once again includes a woke subject, as is now customary in its productions.

It seems that Netflix only knows one way to update to the new times the successes of the past, and it is none other than resorting to all the clichés and fetishes of the woke left. In this case, Netflix fails once again in its attempt to keep alive a franchise that never managed to surpass the success and cultural impact of the original.

For some time now, horror films have become porn for leftists by including all the themes that feed their fears. On this occasion, the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie makes it clear from the beginning what these fetish themes are that delight Democratic Party voters.

In this version, the female protagonist has been the victim of a school shooting—of course—and after arriving in the small Texas town where the story takes place, she discovers, to her horror, that the Texan mechanic who welcomes them is the proud owner of an AR-15 rifle. Beto O’Rourke must have really liked this part.

The African-American character who accompanies the sisters in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre also has his share of shock and outrage when he arrives to find a Confederate flag flying outside the house they have bought. That image may be the biggest shock of the entire film for fans of Netflix’s woke productions.

The two protagonist sisters, the black guy and his white fiancée are four young Generation Zers who, flaunting their entrepreneurial spirit and urbanite moral superiority, aim to bring progress to a backward Texas town, taking advantage of their status as influencers to start the process of gentrification of the neighborhood.

They are unlucky enough to have bought the house that the bank foreclosed on what’s left of the Sawyer family, including the psychopathic Leatherface killer, who had been going unnoticed for 50 years since the bloody, cannibalistic feast in the 1973 version. The film attempts to make clear that he too is a victim of savage capitalism and deserves the understanding of concerned viewers.

Netflix’s Texas Chainsaw Massacre: visually stunning, mediocre storyline

Last year, actor and musician Donald Glover claimed that the Cancel Culture was making movies boring because artists do not dare to take risks in their scripts for fear of being criticized, while the only innovation occurs in visual and technical issues.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a perfect example of what Donald Glover denounces. Visually it is exquisitely crafted, with some memorable shots such as the one of the fields of withered sunflowers. The atmosphere of isolation and claustrophobia is well achieved and, above all, it has impressive visual effects every time Leatherface crushes, stabs, saws, dismembers, flays, or dismembers his helpless victims.


While this will delight gore fans, the script is a succession of progressive clichés that will only please those who want to reaffirm their fears and prejudices towards evil Texan conservatives. Perhaps for the next installment of Texas Chainsaw Massacre Leatherface will move to Florida.

It seems that the movie is trying to reflect the danger that Californian or New York progressives run when they move to a conservative rural area like Texas, when in real life what usually happens is that it is the liberals who move to areas like Texas fleeing the disasters produced by leftist ideology, who carry with them the danger by voting for the very leftist policies they have wanted to escape from.

The characters in Netflix’s version of Texas Chainsaw Massacre are so obnoxious and make such stupid decisions that by the end you almost end up rooting for the one with the chainsaw.

Ignacio Manuel García Medina, Business Management teacher. Artist and lecturer specialized in Popular Culture for various platforms. Presenter of the program "Pop Libertario" for the Juan de Mariana Institute. Lives in the Canary Islands, Spain // Ignacio M. García Medina es profesor de Gestión de Empresas. Es miembro del Instituto Juan de Mariana y conferenciante especializado en Cultura Popular e ideas de la Libertad.

Social Networks: @ignaciomgm

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