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Pretending to Lower Gas Prices to Save Face for the Midterm Elections

Biden's anti-inflation bill will reduce Americans' incomes, study finds, El American

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Amid high levels of disapproval and record-breaking gas prices, President Biden has made a new attempt to convince Americans that he cares, asking Congress to pass a three-month gas tax holiday. Unfortunately, this new idea, like his past witticisms, does nothing in real life to improve the economy of American families.

Just like his past quips about releasing oil from the reserve and attacking oil companies for not refining enough and lowering prices for consumers, his tax holiday proposal is just a desperate attempt to convince the American people — a few months before the mid-term elections — that the administration cares and is doing something.

The truth is that the only way to lower gas prices is to remove the myriad of regulations on the industry and thereby allow for an increase in domestic supply. The administration knows this, yet it does nothing about it, even making the situation worse by canceling permits and expanding its climate agenda; and the reason it only pretends and takes no effective action is because high gas prices are the way to push its agenda of renewables, electric vehicles and the New Green Deal.

Important Democratic Party leaders have openly and unabashedly said that the solution to Americans’ suffering from high gas prices is for them to buy electric vehicles, and that this whole situation with gas prices should lead us down the path of renewable energy. Unfortunately for this administration, polls show that Americans are not stupid and are tired of meaningless speeches and not seeing results. Lies on the gas issue will not hold back the punishment of voters who see how their salaries are becoming more and more insufficient.

Vanessa Vallejo. Co-editor-in-chief of El American. Economist. Podcaster. Political and economic analysis of America. Colombian exile in the United States // Vanessa Vallejo. Co-editora en jefe de El American. Economista. Podcaster. Análisis político y económico de América. Colombiana exiliada en EE. UU.

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