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Progressivism, at war with masculinity

masculinidad andrew tate

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The cultural battle is fundamental for the left, and that’s why it’s been very concerned lately about the recent rise of all kinds of thinkers, creators, and influencers who reclaim the concept of masculinity.

Jordan Peterson —from academia— and Andrew Tate —from gyms and social media— are perhaps the two perfect examples to demonstrate how much this male reaction to the insistent Marxist gender ideology of recent years encompasses.

The left is aware of the danger of reinforcing the classic concept of masculinity that goes against the Marxist New —deconstructed— Man. That is why, in the cultural battle, they are working hard to destroy the likes of Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate.

They have tried to ridicule Peterson in comics and movies —Marvel’s new Red Skull and the villain in the movie Don’t Worry Darling claim to be inspired by him— and they have also tried to go against him with all sorts of legal trickery, such as threatening to take away his professional license.

Of Andrew Tate we know that he was recently arrested in a suspiciously diligent manner in Romania, and this February will see the release of the film Manodrome, starring Jesse Eisenberg who, according to the official synopsis, will bring to life “an Uber driver and aspiring bodybuilder who is inducted into a libertarian masculinity cult and loses his grip on reality when his repressed desires are awakened.”

More! Idiocy of the Week: Conversion Therapy for Jordan Peterson?

It seems clear that we are facing a coordinated attack by the left in the face of the threat posed to them by this movement of rebellion against the social havoc wreaked by their gender politics.

This is why, although it may seem trivial, fighting the battle in defense of masculinity is important. For the left, it is not trivial. That is why they go to such great lengths to ensure that the word “masculinity” is inevitably accompanied by the adjective “toxic” or to call the fitness movement “far-right” or “white supremacist.”

It should be remembered that for Marx and Engels, the origin of inequality is the sexual division of labor, which in turn is the fruit of the biological division between man and woman, as they expressed in their not-so-well-known book of 1845, “The German Ideology“.

For them, eliminating the biological sexual difference between men and women would eliminate the root of inequality and capitalism. In this light, one can perfectly understand the left’s efforts to dilute the difference between men and women, not only in culture and gender roles, but even surgically.

Ignacio Manuel García Medina, Business Management teacher. Artist and lecturer specialized in Popular Culture for various platforms. Presenter of the program "Pop Libertario" for the Juan de Mariana Institute. Lives in the Canary Islands, Spain // Ignacio M. García Medina es profesor de Gestión de Empresas. Es miembro del Instituto Juan de Mariana y conferenciante especializado en Cultura Popular e ideas de la Libertad.

Social Networks: @ignaciomgm
