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The Meaningless Recall of Mexico’s President – Fuerte y Claro

La sinrazón de la revocación del presidente de México - Fuerte y Claro

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The referendum to “revoke the mandate” of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), President of Mexico, is a trap with a Chavista whiff that is seducing some opponents. This is what Gerardo Garibay Camarena explains in his program “Fuerte y Claro” in El American.

Gerardo explains that the election, to be held on April 10, is actually a model brought directly from Chavista South America, from Venezuela and Bolivia to Mexico. It is a method leveraged and used by the likes of Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales to legitimize their erosion of institutional checks and balances.

According to Gerardo, López Obrador’s real intention is to ratify his power and that is why he promoted the legal reform to make the consultation possible and made a movement to collect signatures to activate the electoral process.

The Unreasonable Revocation of AMLO: Fuerte y Claro

AMLO’s strategy according to Fuerte y Claro

In addition, he highlights that if there is one thing López Obrador has made clear, it is that he favors the political over the technical. He explains that the consultation would become binding if 37% of the electoral register votes; that is, 37 million people. But he warns that AMLO has a series of tricks to avoid its revocation.

According to the political analyst, winning the elections would allow the Mexican president to radicalize his actions, it would also serve to test his electoral structure and demonstrate that “he has the support of the people”.

This is just a summary of the program. Do not miss Fuerte y Claro every Sunday on our YouTube channel.

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