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Top Memes of the week: Martha’s Vineyard PTSD

Los mejores memes de la semana: Martha's Vineyard PTSD

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THE BEST MEMES of the week have been about the “humanitarian emergency” on Martha’s Vineyard, which has been traumatic. Given the reactions from Democrats, we’re beginning to believe that when they claimed humanitarian attention and aid, they didn’t mean for the migrants, they meant for the residents.

The best memes about Martha’s Vineyard PTSD

The stay on Martha’s Vineyard of nearly 50 illegal immigrants has proved very enriching for the progressive elite residing there. They have had the opportunity to demonstrate the extent of their infinite solidarity: approximately 48 hours.

mejores memes vineyard

“I just want to be as happy as the residents of Martha’s Vineyard are when they’re kicking immigrints off their island”. Source: 1776r3volutionist


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“Migrants voluntarily leaving Martha’s Vineyard / Residents, Police, National Guard”. Source: Mostly Peaceful Memes


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“Martha’s Vineyard / Their new migrants friends”. Source: Mostly Peaceful Memes


mejores memes daenerys

‘They enriched us’. Migrants’ 44-hour visit leaves indelible mark on M. Vineyard”. Source: Mostly Peaceful Memes



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“Democrats & the media gave more attention to the 50 illegals at M. Vineyard than the 2 million illegals flooding the border”. Source: Students for Trump


mejores memes diversity

“Diversity/ M. Vineyard residents”. Source: Students for Trump


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“The White House/ Democrats / 50 illegal immigrants on Martha’s Vineyard”. Source: Edwardrussl


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Source: Branco


mejores memes beach house

“When the illegal immigrants start showing up outside your beach house:”. Source: For America


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“We will rebuild”. Source: What I Meme to Say


Other top memes of the week

While reactions to DeSantis’ masterstroke have grabbed the attention of the meme community, other topics have also been of interest. For example, Disney does not disappoint and continues to push its political woke agenda with things like the remake of Pinocchio, or the upcoming The Little Mermaid.


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Source: 9gag


mejores memes pinocchio

Source: ignaciomgm


mejores memes tangled

“Disney Chooses Bald Actress To Play Rapunzel In Live-Action Remake”. Source: The Babylon Bee


mejores memes imagine

“Imagine living in a world where every tweet and meme must be fact check, but not ballots”. Source: Students for Trump


mejores memes dalton

“When you’re watching the news and yet another of your “theories” comes true…/ I served FB jail time for saying that 3 months ago”. Source: 1776r3volutionist


mejores memes facebook jail

“Facebook Jail/Veteran”. Source: Being Libertarian

Ignacio Manuel García Medina, Business Management teacher. Artist and lecturer specialized in Popular Culture for various platforms. Presenter of the program "Pop Libertario" for the Juan de Mariana Institute. Lives in the Canary Islands, Spain // Ignacio M. García Medina es profesor de Gestión de Empresas. Es miembro del Instituto Juan de Mariana y conferenciante especializado en Cultura Popular e ideas de la Libertad.

Social Networks: @ignaciomgm

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