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You Have a Point: Alex Saab’s Extradition and Socialism in Venezuela

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You Have a Point, the space in which Vanessa Vallejo, Vianca Rodríguez, Mariela Palma, and Daniela Carrasco continue to address issues that bother the woke culture, focused on the extradition of Alex Saab and socialism in Venezuela.

To talk about the situation, they invited Sabrina Martín, analyst of El American. Maria Bello was also a guest. Both explained the corruption plot around Saab; as well as the consequences that socialism has had in Venezuela.

Alex Saab’s extradition and socialism in Venezuela

“Alex Saab is a key player in the relations between the regime and Iran; he is also linked to the financing of leftist parties in Colombia and the FARC, as well as terrorist groups such as Hezbollah”, said Martin.

He also added: “Alex Saab has so much information that if he were to talk he could destroy the logistics that have kept Maduro in power. We have to see how much he will talk and if he is really willing to do so”.

On that subject, Mariela Palma commented that Saab’s case is something that involves other people and that it is likely that much of the Venezuelan regime’s money has reached other countries in the region.

“This is not a political issue, but an issue of international organized crime, so an investigation should be launched in the countries that are linked.”

Bello maintained that it is necessary for Venezuelans to advance on a path that will lead them to freedom and highlighted the difficulties experienced in that country in terms of public services and food. He also pointed out the evils of socialism and explained that many of those who call themselves opponents in Venezuela are socialists.

“It is time for Venezuelans to move towards freedom, but we have to get rid of the opposition. We have a treacherous, socialist opposition that does not want capitalism to come to Venezuela. It does not matter if the opposition comes to power, because they have the same ideals and negotiate with Maduro”.

Precisely, when referring to the advance of socialism in Latin America, Daniela Carrasco warned that many Latin Americans will continue to migrate from their countries in search of a political system that is not socialist.

“The germ of Latin America is the threat of socialism, collectivism, statism; all this can turn into tyrannies”, said Carrasco.

Don’t miss You Have a Point every Wednesday at 9:00 ET on our YouTube channel and our Facebook account.

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