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Congressional Candidate Darien Barrios: The World Has No Respect for the U.S. Because of Biden

"Biden provoca que el mundo le pierda el respeto a Estados Unidos": Darien Barrios, candidato al Congreso

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PRESIDENT Joe Biden makes the world lose respect for the United States,” said Republican congressional candidate Darien Barrios in an interview with El American.

Barrios is a Cuban American citizen and aspires to win the election for a seat in Congress for Kentucky’s 3rd District. He is a Hispanic immigrant who has become a leader in his community and has expressed that his mission is to prevent socialism and communism from taking over the United States.

“We have to prevent socialism from taking over the United States”

During the interview, Barrios pointed out that the rise of Hispanic candidates in the Republican Party is due not only to the importance of the Latino vote for the country, but also to the need they have as a community to fight from all areas to prevent the same thing from happening in the United States as in their countries of origin.

Barrios said that if he becomes a member of Congress, he will fight for Kentucky parents to be able to make decisions on important issues that concern their children. He criticized how federal agencies are “injecting” critical race theory into schools and preventing parents from being informed about the education their children receive.

Barrios was also emphatic in stating that “Under no circumstances can we continue to allow our children now, when they should be learning science, math, Spanish, English or history, to receive information that is simply not the right time for them to receive. It is not an education that is in line with the values of this nation.”

“Joe Biden is endangering our national security”

Regarding the border crisis, Barrios held President Biden responsible for encouraging illegal migration. He said that he is a migrant who came to the country legally and pointed out that what is happening on the southern border is endangering national security.

Barrios explains that “he is not against immigration because the United States is a country of opportunities for everyone, everyone can come in, but legally. There are many ways to enter legally, many federal programs to enter in an orderly manner as I came; now what Darien doesn’t agree with is what is happening today at the southern border.”

“In just one fiscal year, the Biden administration has allowed close to a quarter of a million people to enter illegally, and it’s no secret to anyone that law enforcement agencies have apprehended close to 35 terrorists who have attempted to enter under false identities,” he added.

“Agents of the Cuban and Venezuelan regime have infiltrated the United States”

In the exclusive interview, he revealed that he knows firsthand that agents of the Cuban regime are infiltrating the United States. He claims that at least 8 individuals have already been identified. These individuals have entered through the southern border, he affirms. “We in the Cuban community have detected agents of the Cuban state security that are right now in the United States, they are agents infiltrated by the regime in Havana.”

“There are two things that worry me about the United States, one of them is national security, that the southern border is being neglected, and our national security is being neglected. The second thing that worries me is inflation, that soon they will eventually declare the United States in recession while the Chinese regime is growing its GDP and the United States, the first power in the world, is falling behind because of the leftist policies that the Biden administration is carrying out,” he warned.

“What Biden has done is to throw the respect they had for us to the ground”

The candidate considers that situations such as the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, the border crisis, inflation, and recession put the country in a state of vulnerability while countries like Russia or China are “gaining ground” in the world.

“I think that in two years we are going to lose the dominance we have had in the world. With President Donald Trump, agreements were made with countries like Israel and Palestine, with the Arab world that had never been made before; we put North Korea in its place and contained the nuclear threat; we had Russia in one place and contained it for a long time, we ended ISIS and yet this administration what it has done is strengthen the Islamic world and look what happened with the withdrawal from Afghanistan,” he said.

“If Congress or the Senate does not give this administration a stop, I think the United States is going to lose the respect it has earned for so long, the only thing President Biden has done is to throw the respect they had for us to the ground,” Barrios concluded.

Sabrina Martín Rondon is a Venezuelan journalist. Her source is politics and economics. She is a specialist in corporate communications and is committed to the task of dismantling the supposed benefits of socialism // Sabrina Martín Rondon es periodista venezolana. Su fuente es la política y economía. Es especialista en comunicaciones corporativas y se ha comprometido con la tarea de desmontar las supuestas bondades del socialismo

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