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Fernandez-Kirchner Government Submits Argentina to Organized Crime

Gobierno Fernández-Kirchner subordina a Argentina al crimen organizado, EFE

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In a country that has been led to an economic, political and social crisis, with 43.1% of growing poverty, 9 months before the 2023 general elections, with a negative image of more than 70%, with the Vice President sentenced to 6 years in prison for corruption and with no results to offer, President Alberto Fernandez is submitting Argentina to transnational organized crime by inviting as heads of state the dictators of the narco-states of Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua.

A paradictatorial government is one that, established in a country with democracy, turns its administration into an instrument of service for the support and defense of dictatorships, violating its international obligations of respect and “defense of human rights,” “maintenance of international peace and security” and “democracy as a right of peoples.” In legal terms, it is a crime, and in democracy, in political terms, it is an infamy. It is today the Argentine government.

The “United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime” establishes that “organized criminal group” shall mean a structured group of 3 or more individuals, existing for a period of time and acting together for the purpose of committing one or more serious crimes or offenses established in accordance with this Convention, in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or another material benefit.” The group of dictators of 21st-century socialism or castro chavismo is just that.

Narco-states are “those countries whose political institutions are significantly influenced by the power and wealth of drug trafficking, whose leaders simultaneously hold positions as government officials and members of illegal narcotics drug trafficking networks, protected by their legal powers. Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua are narco-states.

Cuba’s dictatorship, which was the only one in the Americas at the beginning of the 21st century, has expanded and implemented its system and control in Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Nicaragua. Ecuador has recovered democracy thanks to President Lenin Moreno, but Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua are regimes in which none of the essential elements of democracy exist, they have hundreds of political prisoners, millions and thousands of exiles and the dictators and their entourage commit crimes on a daily basis with the impunity that comes from holding power by force.

Castrochavismo sponsors presidential candidacies with which it takes control of democratic countries; conspires and destabilizes governments with transnational operative groups; sustains and protects its armed terrorist groups such as the FARC and the ELN. It is a platform and partner of Russia supporting the invasion of Ukraine and the threat to Europe; it is linked to Islamic terrorism and promotes the penetration of Iran in the region, among others.

21st century socialism seeks to portray itself as an anti-imperialist political project when in truth it is a transnational organized crime group as evidenced by the facts, the oppression of the peoples of Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua, denunciations, reports, accusations, processes and corruption cases such as “Lava Jato” which includes Lula da Silva of Brazil, crimes against humanity, drug trafficking such as the “Cartel de los Soles” of dictator Nicolás Maduro with an arrest warrant and 15 million dollars in reward.

The government of Alberto Fernandez is a continuity of the Kirchner governments and has been structured as part of Castro-Chavismo. From the electoral financing with scandalous corruption such as “Antonini Wilson”, Chávez’s contribution of 5.5 billion dollars between 2005 and 2008 in aid of Kirchner’s fiscal deficit and more, to the medical narrative of Kirchner’s daughter in Cuba to protect her from corruption investigations, are proof that the Fernández/Kirchner government is a satellite of Castro-Chavismo at the expense of Argentina’s honor and sovereignty.

The objective reality invites us to notice that Alberto Fernandez seems to have the sad role of a messenger of the power that has brought him to the presidency and that today puts him as a host of organized crime.

This article is part of an agreement between El American and the Interamerican Institute for Democracy.

Carlos Sánchez Berzain es abogado, politólogo, máster en ciencia política y sociología. Catedrático. Estadista perseguido y exiliado político. Director del Interamerican Institute for Democracy // Carlos Sánchez Berzain is a lawyer, political scientist, with a master's degree in political science and sociology. Professor. Persecuted statesman and political exile. Director of the Interamerican Institute for Democracy.
