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Rep. Lauren Boebert introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood received $633 million in public funds from the government between 2020 and 2021, or more than $1.7 million a day.

The economic strategy of Planned Parenthood places abortions first and foremost. Planned Parenthood has cut back on cancer screening by 74%, prenatal care by 72%, and contraceptive services by 41% since 2010.

A Bill to defund the nation’s largest abortion provider, has been submitted by Colorado congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R).

The Defund Planned Parenthood Act, proposed by Boebert, would halt federal support for the abortion industry giant for a year. The $633 million in tax dollars that Planned Parenthood presently receives from the government would be transferred to neighborhood health clinics that offer real healthcare for women, such as maternity care and cancer screenings.

Affiliates of Planned Parenthood that declare they do not provide abortions might still get government financing under the proposed legislation. Additionally, any Planned Parenthood facility that performs an abortion due to rape, incest, or when the mother’s health is in danger is exempt from the rule. However, as many survivors have attested, induced abortion is not medically required and may inflict further stress to a woman or child who has already endured sexual assault.

Furthermore, if Planned Parenthood or any of its affiliates failed to comply with the certification that they would not perform abortions during the moratorium period, the bill would require the Secretaries of Health and Human Services and of Agriculture to recover any federal aid that organization or any of its affiliates had received.

Congresswoman Boebert stated in a press release:

“The nation’s largest abortion provider has no business receiving taxpayer dollars. Planned Parenthood claims these funds go to healthcare for women, but last year, Planned Parenthood performed a record number of abortions while also reducing the number of well-woman exams and breast cancer screenings it performed. Instead of funding Planned Parenthood, my bill will redirect this funding to community health centers that actually meet the health needs of women across the country.”

Twenty-nine members of the house have signed on as co-sponsors of Boebert’s bill.

According to the Pro-Life organization Live Action, in the United States, fewer than 1% of prenatal care is provided by Planned Parenthood, and its abortion to adoption referral ratio is 200 to 1. Additionally, it only offers 1% or fewer of Pap tests, breast examinations, and less than 2% of all cancer screenings nationwide.

To reach just 2.16 million consumers, Planned Parenthood’s clientele has dropped by 240,000, or roughly 10%, in recent years. Planned Parenthood would only serve a maximum of 3% of clients who were women, even if all of its clients of reproductive age were female (which is not the case). However, between 2010 and 2020, Planned Parenthood performed over 3.7 million abortions, accounting for nearly 41% of all abortions performed in the country as a whole.

Live Action has previously highlighted how the abortion lobby is instructing women who self-abort and encounter issues to present to the ER claiming to have had a natural miscarriage. Additionally, the organization has previously documented the push to confuse abortion with miscarriage.

It is therefore intriguing that Planned Parenthood has expanded the scope of its “services” to include areas like miscarriage treatment and miscarriage management.

The total number of “other reproductive health services” provided by Planned Parenthood, which includes well-women examinations, pregnancy testing, prenatal care, and miscarriage treatment, also fell by 18% from a peak of 1,327,420 in 2019 to 1,087,934 in 2020.

Independent Writer. Marketing and communications strategist for politicians, artists, public figures & corporate brands for more than 10 years. Contact: @alejandrosbasso (Twitter)
Escritor independiente. Consultor en marketing y comunicaciones de políticos, artistas, figuras públicas y marcas por más de 10 años. Contacto: @alejandrosbasso (Twitter)
