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Sen. Ted Cruz mocks Washington Post ‘fact-checker’ over Chinese lab leak report

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) made fun of fact-checker Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post on Sunday after a new U.S. intelligence assessment revealed that one federal organization thinks the coronavirus outbreak was caused by a Chinese lab breach.

According to the U.S. Energy Department’s analysis, a lab leak in Wuhan, China, is most likely the cause of the epidemic, The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday. The FBI is likewise of the opinion that a Chinese lab breach was the source of the epidemic.

The conclusion was reached as a consequence of recently obtained information, and according to the study, “and is significant because the agency has considerable scientific expertise and oversees a network of U.S. national laboratories, some of which conduct advanced biological research.”

According to the WSJ, the department’s conclusion, which deviates from earlier analyses on how the virus developed, was included in an addendum to a document from the office of National Intelligence director Avril Haines. It comes after the FBI allegedly concluded with “moderate confidence” that the virus spread after escaping a Chinese facility.

Even if, as the report stated, the agency reached its updated assessment with “low confidence,” the energy department’s finding — which is crucial since it governs a network of 17 US laboratories, including areas of sophisticated biology — would still be noteworthy.

COVID-19 has been the subject of contrasting origin theories, with the virus either accidentally leaking from a Chinese research facility in Wuhan or being spread to humans by an unnamed animal.

Three years ago, Senator Ted Cruz reacted to Kessler’s tweet which stated that it was “doubtful” the pandemic started with a lab breach.

“‘Amazing’ is definitely right word for this video. WaPo ‘abandoning all pretenses of journalism to produce CCP propaganda’ would be another way to put it,” “If this reporter submitted this video in a freshman logic class, it wouldn’t receive a passing grade.”

Senator Cruz then posted a thread outlining all of the information available at the time:

Kessler responded: “I fear @tedcruz missed the scientific animation in the video that shows how it is virtually impossible for this virus jump from the lab,”  “Or the many interviews with actual scientists. We deal in facts, and viewers can judge for themselves.”

On Sunday, Cruz replied to the tweet with a screenshot of the cited article from The Wall Street Journal and Kessler response from 2020:

The latest conclusions of the energy department are at odds with those of four other US intelligence organizations, who found that an infected animal was the primary source of the epidemic’s first natural spread.

The WSJ said that US officials also failed to elaborate on any information or analysis that prompted the energy department to alter its stance. They also pointed out that the FBI and the Energy Department came to the same judgment for various reasons.

Independent Writer. Marketing and communications strategist for politicians, artists, public figures & corporate brands for more than 10 years. Contact: @alejandrosbasso (Twitter)
Escritor independiente. Consultor en marketing y comunicaciones de políticos, artistas, figuras públicas y marcas por más de 10 años. Contacto: @alejandrosbasso (Twitter)
