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WHO: Biden Willing to Pay $ 500 Million to the Organization that Hid the Pandemic

OMS, Biden, COVID-19

Joe Biden, who proclaimed himself President-elect of the United States despite judicial disputes, reiterated that his Government will return to the World Health Organization (WHO); this despite knowing that this orgaization hid the severity of the coronavirus from the world and supported China.

Biden dedicated his campaign to show concern about the COVID-19 pandemic, criticized Donald Trump for not taking the disease seriously, and announced the creation of an expert committee to deal with the coronavirus; However, these decisions contrast with the announcement to continue being part of the WHO despite the fact that the body lied to the world and thanks to its silence, millions are infected and deceased by the virus.

It sounds paradoxical that, on the one hand, Biden condemns Trump’s decisions regarding the pandemic, and on the other hand, he now decides to continue paying large sums of money to the WHO, which not only did not took the disease seriously, but also concealed relevant data.

Now that Biden took over the Presidency without being declared President-elect of the United States by the competent authorities, the organization’s CEO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus congratulated him: “Congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. My colleagues at WHO and I are eager to work with you and your teams”.

Biden had already announced that if he won the Presidency he would return to WHO “to restore US leadership on the world stage”; but this return would translate as a “back” to all the lies and irresponsibilities of the organization.

WHO and the “Chinese virus

After some progress and investigations, US President Donald Trump accused the WHO of being “biased” in favor of China and of having mismanaged the COVID-19 health emergency.

Trump had been threatening to withdraw from the organization for months, which temporarily froze funds in April. At the end of May, the president announced his decision to “break”definitively with the WHO and channel the funds that he contributed “to other urgent public health needs globally”.

The president asked that this organization be more demanding with China, where the first case of covid-19 was reported in the world; and he also accused Beijing of “ignoring its obligations to report” on the virus.

China has complete control over the WHO even though it only pays $ 40 million a year, compared to what the United States has been paying, which is approximately $ 450 million a year, Trump said.

The withdrawal from the United States left WHO without its main donor, which in recent years has contributed between 400 and 500 million dollars annually, which means approximately 15% of the body’s total budget.

WHO complicit

For Biden to seek the United States back to WHO means the Democrat forgets that the organization ignored Taiwan’s warnings about the coronavirus.

WHO has been the target of harsh criticism for the contradictions in managing the pandemic since its inception and for allegedly helping the Chinese regime hide information.

On January 12, 2020 Beijing published the genetic sequence of the virus that was detected in late 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan. On January 13, the first case outside of China was registered in Thailand. WHO ensured that the chances of the virus leaving the area where it originated were slim.

In February the WHO stated that COVID-19 would not become a pandemic (Twitter)

Although this body indicated that there was no conclusive evidence that the coronavirus was transmitted between people, the infections spread rapidly throughout the world.

An investigation by The New York Times revealed how the agency gave in to China. The report details that the WHO directive itself negotiated with the Chinese communist regime to limit virus research.

He notes that the WHO agreed that they would not question China’s initial response, nor would they visit the live animal market in the city of Wuhan, where the outbreak appeared to have originated.

The report also indicates that WHO has refused to disclose details of its negotiations with Beijing and has not shared documents with Member States describing the terms of its investigations.

China has garnered concessions from the health organization that have helped the country delay major investigations and spared its government a potentially embarrassing review of its early response to the outbreak, The New York Times adds.

Sabrina Martín Rondon is a Venezuelan journalist. Her source is politics and economics. She is a specialist in corporate communications and is committed to the task of dismantling the supposed benefits of socialism // Sabrina Martín Rondon es periodista venezolana. Su fuente es la política y economía. Es especialista en comunicaciones corporativas y se ha comprometido con la tarea de desmontar las supuestas bondades del socialismo

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