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Shakira Signs Up for Feminism As an Excuse


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Last week, Shakira’s third song claiming to have overcome her breakup with soccer star Gerard Piqué became a worldwide trending topic.

Due to the concatenation of songs with the same theme, and the progressive increase in each song of hostility towards her former partner and father of her children, many people have reacted against the Colombian singer, accusing her of revenge, abuse of position that her profession gave her, and not putting the well-being of her children before disagreements with their father.

The umpteenth frivolous public fight between two celebrities would not have the greatest importance, if it were not for the fact that Shakira, her fans, and the media try to turn the controversy into a feminist cause and, therefore, into politics.

Demonstrating that she not only has the cunning to compose hits, Shakira has released a statement appealing to the fetish themes of feminism, knowing that this will guarantee her the support from the media —and, if necessary, from the institutions— that she needs to win her particular battle against Piqué.

“I want to hug the millions of women who stand up to those who make us feel insignificant,” she wrote on her Instagram. “Not as society orders us to, but in the way that comes up to us, the one that helps us get ahead for our children, our parents and for those who need us, and they expect from us,” she added.

If the feminist victimhood promoted by the left has shown anything, it is that it does not understand class, since curiously, those who use it the most are elite women like Shakira and many other actresses or high-level athletes, demanding things like equal pay and all sorts of privileges.

Just as the instrumentalization of feminism by the left is hypocritical and opportunistic, Shakira’s feminism does not seem to be free of inconsistencies either. Feminism fills its mouth with concepts such as sorority, but enthusiastically embraces Shakira’s song in which she mercilessly belittles Piqué’s new girlfriend.

Also for feminists, any innocent joke about mothers-in-law is sexist and intolerable, but they turn a blind eye to the poisoned dart that the Colombian throws at Piqué’s mother.

The fact that Shakira’s song becomes a feminist anthem will be the perfect demonstration of the nature of this political movement, which consists of exploiting individual grudges and complexes in a collective way so that only a few can bill and obtain political revenue.

Ignacio Manuel García Medina, Business Management teacher. Artist and lecturer specialized in Popular Culture for various platforms. Presenter of the program "Pop Libertario" for the Juan de Mariana Institute. Lives in the Canary Islands, Spain // Ignacio M. García Medina es profesor de Gestión de Empresas. Es miembro del Instituto Juan de Mariana y conferenciante especializado en Cultura Popular e ideas de la Libertad.

Social Networks: @ignaciomgm
