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Val Demings’ Radical Voting Record on Open Borders

Campaña de Marco Rubio cuestiona a Val Demings por su historial sobre violaciones de normas éticas del Congreso

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Democrat Val Demings has been known for holding a position in her congressional votes close to that of the radical Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. During her years in Washington, Florida’s current Democratic Senate contender has pushed an open borders policy.

Recently, Demings voted for amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants, saying it would supposedly make the immigration system fairer.

In 2019, the Democrat sharply criticized building the wall to secure American borders and said it was a waste of money.  “Leaving aside the fact that the wall is an absurd waste of money and a violation of our values as a nation of immigrants, it is totally corrupt and inappropriate,” Demings wrote on Twitter.

She also voted to send stimulus checks in the pandemic to illegal immigrants and supported the Biden administration’s decision to end Title 42, which gives the Border Patrol the ability to turn away illegal immigrants.

Val Demings pushes for open borders

Commenting on the situation, Elizabeth Gregory, Marco Rubio’s Senate Communications Director, said that both Joe Biden and Val Demings have pushed for an open borders policy affecting the lives of Americans. Gregory also noted that this policy has actively encouraged illegal immigration.

Williams Perdomo es periodista y escritor, especializado en las fuentes Política y Cultura.

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