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Pennsylvania: Dr. Oz Near Fetterman With Debate Still to Come


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Almost 20 days to go before the midterm elections, both parties have their eyes on the Senate. And one of the most contested races is Pennsylvania, where Mehmet Oz is hot on the heels of John Fetterman. Although the Democrats comfortably led this race, which could be decisive in terms of control of Congress, the latest polls show a tight finish.

The latest poll released by Trafalgar places the incumbent lieutenant governor just two points ahead of Dr. Oz, who appears to have been successful in attacking Fetterman on his record on crime.

The aforementioned survey recorded in its sample a majority of Democrats and a majority of women.

Indeed, as Tony Fabrizio, one of the founders of Fabrizio Ward, pointed out to POLITICO, “when you look at the undecideds in the Senate race, they want to vote Republican in the generic ballot.”

“They are net positive towards Trump’s job approval, and they are net negative towards Biden’s job approval. They’re more interested in economic issues than they are in social issues. So those things hold some glimmer of hope for, obviously, Oz,” he added.

In addition to the crime, Fetterman’s public appearances after suffering a stroke caused his positive image to drop 10% since June.

The Senate race in Pennsylvania could well be the one that determines which party gains control of the upper chamber after Nov. 8. With a current 50-50 split where VP Kamala Harris has the tiebreaker, every election in a purple state proves key.

The debate could lift Oz off the ground in Pennsylvania

The candidates will face off in a first and possibly only debate on October 25. It is perhaps one of the most anticipated days for the Oz campaign since many analysts perceive that the Republican can take advantage of a debate that might expose Fetterman as unfit to serve in the Senate.

Therefore, the Republicans still have time to reverse an election into which they have poured millions and millions of dollars.

Joaquín Núñez es licenciado en comunicación periodística por la Universidad Católica Argentina. Se especializa en el escenario internacional y en la política nacional norteamericana. Confeso hincha de Racing Club de Avellaneda. Contacto: [email protected] // Joaquín Núñez has a degree in journalistic communication from the Universidad Católica Argentina. He specializes in the international scene and national American politics. Confessed fan of Racing Club of Avellaneda. Contact: [email protected]

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