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San Diego Teacher Calls GOP ‘Fascist,’ ‘White,’ and ‘Heterosexuals’ in Classroom

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A Washington Examiner op-ed, signed by Christopher Tremoglie, claims that a teacher in San Diego called the Republican Party a “fascist” group of “white,” “heterosexuals” and “Christians.” Christopher Tremoglie consulted a Madison High School student, who shared a photo showing the chalkboard with the teacher’s statements.

In addition, Christopher Tremoglie detailed that “The teacher didn’t stop there. He continued with his radical left-wing indoctrination by listing whites, Christians, and heterosexuals as groups that are ‘fascist.’ Then, the teacher continued to insult and denigrate different groups of people, according to the student.”

Attacks against the Republican Party

Tremoglie denounced that “This is the dangerous kind of indoctrination that occurs in schools today. Parents who lack alternatives to public schools must be vigilant. What happened in this classroom wasn’t education. No, this was overt indoctrination through bullying high school students at a public school in California.”

Similar accusations have already been made at other schools in the United States. Just this week it became known that a private school in New York, Trinity School, put the director of student activities on paid leave and hired an outside lawyer after videos were published in which she admits to having promoted progressive ideas in the classrooms. In addition, in the videos the teacher refers disparagingly about white children at the school.

Williams Perdomo es periodista y escritor, especializado en las fuentes Política y Cultura.

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